Wanna See a Magic Trick? The Origin

Hi everyone, my name is Papagrande El Magico.... or Papagrande Willow if you prefer. None of you may know me, but.... that is a good thing for your sake. Well, to introduce myself better, I'm going to tell you closer about my past, and what cause me to be the killer magician I am today. Well for starters, I am not insane.... but I am desperate for attention, if I do say so myself.~ But enough about that, allow me to begin my story.
-Story start-
It all started from the day I was little, I always loved magic, even more then myself. So it wasn't a surprise that my father bought me a magic trick set for my 8th birthday. I was so happy, and I ran into my room, immediantly practicing, I was getting good. Then a few weeks later, I started performing my acts on the street, my family was quite poor at the time, and it really sucked when I didn't get any money from passerby's.
That is, until one guy came up to me, he wore makeup and had a smile on his face. The man asked me if I wanted my very own life as a magician, normally I would've said no, but... something convinced me, so I agreed and signed the paper.
A year later, I finally got into the magician career and was hired as a rookie, I went through daily training day and night at my home, excited. My father and mother were so proud of me!~ Then the next day came around, and I was brought to a place called Disneyland, it looked amazing, it was every child's dream.
I got out of the managers car and they showed me the directions towards my stage, they said that it was in River Country which was n the other side of Disney. Yeah, I was scared, but I went anyways, they showed me it, it was a fasinating stage!~ It had wonderful pools, and more.
I smiled as they brought me inside, the stage looked wonderful inside as well, it had walls that were a mixture of red, black, and white. The flooring had polished wood, and the props were set up to match me. looked over at the manager who showed me the stage and hugged him. I was so happy, and my life as a magician started here, but... little did I know it would end here too.
Seventeen years passed, and the stage was still in good shape, I smiled at all of the people that arrived to see me and my magic, I had to say by now my tricks were super interesting, many would catch me backstage and tell me how good I was. And I grabbed out my top hat and placed it on my head, everybody was watching as I grabbed one of my props to do some magic.
I called up for a volunteer and she happily agreed, and got into the box. The audience watched closely as I inserted a few swords, everybody was gasping at each one I put in, then when I opened the prop, the woman came out safe with no scratches. Everybody clapped for me and I smiles and bowed, and that's when the trick was found out.
"Hey! Is the backside of the box farther back?!" A boy shouted. I turned around quickly and my eyes widened, a kid snuck backstage and pointed towards the back of the box. I got up and went to grab him, just to hear boo's from across the room, everybody hated me now, I was a fake they said. I turned and grabbed the kid and cussed him out, and that's when the crowd got pissed, they got up from their seats and started throwing their stuff at me. It hurt... so much, and then the manager walked in and the boy ran to him crying.
The manager looked at me angrily, I gulped as he stomped towards me, and he grabbed my cape and pushed me backstage. "Papagrande! This is getting old! Disney is supposed to be the happiest place on earth! And your attitude is screwing it up! So I have no choice to tell you if this happens again, I will have to shut you down!" He screamed. My eyes widened, and he meant it to, oh did he so.~
Ten years passed faster then ever, and at this time, I lost half of my fans, after the last time, they called me a phony and began spread that fact around. Many of my true fans stayed to watch me preform, and the manager had close guard on me, watching me like a hawk.~ I looked around and grabbed out the same prop as before, many people forgot that it was this prop that made me a phony. I picked a volunteer, except this time it was another actor of mine hidden to look like a teenage girl. I smiled and winked at her as she got in the box, and I got out my swords, and began to stab them through the box, everybody cheered as the woman came out spotless.
Then for two hours straight, I continued to do tricks, and when it was over, I knew something was going to happen, and I knew it too well when a kid said... that ONE word... hehhahahehheahha!!!!!~ "Phony....." She said. I felt something in my mind click, and I turned to the audience and jumped off stage, and looked around. "Who said that?!" I asked, my eye twitching and a sick smile on my face.
Everybody looked around and then a kid rose from her seat, and pointed at me. "Phony, phony, phony!!!! You liar!" She cried. That's when I made my mistake hehehah!!!~ I growled and ran straight at the girl, kill in my eyes. The manager rose up quickly and grabbed me, I was laughing..... so wonderfully, and was trying to grab the girl, who was now screaming behind her mother's back, her mother pushed me away from her daughter, that snotty little daughter.~
The manager and dragged me to the backstage and smacked me. I looked at him angrily. "Papagrande.... you tried to hurt a child! I gave you one chance Papagrande! One fucking chance!" He growled. I felt my smile grow and my nails dig into the boxes as he continued ranting. I snapped, and... hehehah!!! A wonderful thought came across my mind, as he said... those two.... nasty words.~ "YOUR FIRED!!!" He shouted. I rose from my seat and looked down at the ground laughing.
I looked up at him laughing, his eyes widened, and I grabbed him and slammed him into boxes, I clutched his hair and slammed his mouth on the corners, his teeth breaking and his jaw broken. I smirked as he tried to scream, I grabbed a rag which was next to me and shoved it into his mouth, and I dragged him to the front stage. Everybody looked at the manager, in shock, not even making a sound. I laughed and placed the manager inside of the prop, and pushed the back forward so he would get hurt, and I turned to the audience and looked at the kid.
"Y-You wanna see... hahaha.... a magic trick?!" I asked, grin wide. Nobody spoke and I grabbed a sword and slammed it into the box, everybody gasped and started to run out of the stage as the sound of flesh and bone being ripped and shredded went through the room. I laughed at my sick idea of a magic trick and the audience left.
I smirked and opened the box to see what art I had done, and I erupted a sick laugh. Inside of that box was the manager and what made me laugh was the sword through his head, blood was dripping off the other end of the sword. I landed on my knees and laughed loudly, clutching my head and looked around.~ This, is where my killing had begun.
About fifteen years passed, and nobody even dared step close to my stage or the now abandoned side of Disney. They were scared of me, so they locked up my stage, put a fence around it, and even blocked up the doors with wood planks. But this side of Disney was now closed for more reasons than I.
Parasites got in the pools around the surrounding areas, and this side started to rot away, and so did my stage. I was not known anymore.... and I was actually really upset about that fact. I looked around my molding stage, my props destroyed and the light from the hole in the ceiling lighting the room, and thought.... I wanted to be known again.... and that's exactly what happened.
Thank you for reading, don't worry all of you, I'm not insane, I'm just wanting to be known again, so allow me to show you a magic trick.~